Boulder, CO 80304 |
(303) 447-0474
Most of my sessions start with the body, addressing the physical aspect of your pain. There are many door ways into your whole body, through the many different systems. Several techniques start with the muscular system: Swedish Massage, Neuromuscular Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Prenatal Massage. Manual Lymph Drainage specifically addresses the lymphatic system. Bowen and Neurostructural Integration access the nervous system, and thus everything else. Reflexology uses the reflex points on the meridians of the hands and feet to stimulate and relax the whole body. Cranio Sacral Therapy touches the cerebro-spinal rhythms and assists the circulation of these internal tides. Active Isolated Stretching opens the connective tissue at the joints. We consult together to choose the appropriate doorway into your body for any given session, which allows the integration of all the other systems.
NMT is a deep tissue massage addressing trigger points in tight and painful muscles to dramatically relieve pain. This can be integrated with Swedish techniques to include the rest of the body. This is especially beneficial for anyone with pain.
Neuromuscular Therapy:
Athletes, dancers, and people with physically demanding professions often need specific care to stay fine tuned. Sports massage can address problem areas and energize the body for the optimum performance.
MLD gently flushes the lymph pathways to drain local areas of swelling. It releases stagnant fluids and promotes more efficient circulation. The use of alternating hot and cold stones can be added to this technique to promote even more circulatory assistance. This is especially beneficial pre and post surgery or after acute injury.
Manual Lymph Drainage:
As a birth coach or doula, I work with Moms (and Dads too), during the amazing and emotionally complex journey of bringing new life into the world. I have attended approximately 100 births offering the laboring mom support with massage techniques and coaching. I am also certified in Infant Massage, and teach that to new Moms and Dads.
This is a remarkable system that stimulates nerve points, resetting the body to heal itself. It is especially beneficial in addressing physical or emotional trauma and range-of-motion difficulties..
Bowen Therapy:
NST is similar to traditional Bowen work, but employs a different series of nerve stimulating patterns. It can also provide added solutions to problems that don’t respond fully to Bowen work.
Neurostructural Integration:
AIS is a complex system of assisted stretching that uses muscle energy principles to effectively open range-of- motion in every joint in the body. This is beneficial for people who have especially tight bodies, and tend to resist stretching on their own. The after effects are as energizing and relaxing as massage.
Active Isolated Stretching:
This system of emphasizes the reflex points on the hands and feet, which directly correspond to other parts of the body in distress. This is especially beneficial for people who work on their feet or have foot problems.
CST is a very light touch technique with origins in Osteopathy. It connects to the deepest rhythms of the cranial and spinal fluids and is most helpful for head injuries and for old traumas that are held in the nervous system.
This is the most traditional form of relaxing massage that increases whole body circulation, relaxation, and awareness.
Heated volcanic stones in my hands are a wonderfully soothing addition while working with chronically tight muscles. Please ask for hot stones when you make your appointment.
I teach new moms and dads to massage their new baby as part of the bonding process. It is a wonderful way to help your new child discover their body and learn to relax.
Infant Massage:
Our animals have the same tendencies to injury and over use soreness as we do. The Bowen Technique for large and small animals is called Equine Muscle Release Technique and Cat and Canine Muscle Release Technique. It has been adapted for horses, dogs and cats, to stimulate their natural healing capacities. As with Bowen for people, it can correct restrictions and misalignments in the connective tissue, restoring balance to the different systems in the body. In situations were both animal and their owner have similar physical issues, and I find it is helpful to give both of you a session at the same time. In situations were both animal and human guardian have the same physical issues, and I find it is helpful to treat both of you at the same time.
Gift certificates are available!
Monday - Friday: 10:00AM to 6:00PM
Saturday - By Appointment Only
Sunday - Closed
Kat Shea Healing Arts